01 about
Hi, I am Therese, nice to meet you.
Isn't it astonishing to know that our children of today will change the world tomorrow!
Times pass by way too quickly - I know it only too well what it's like, it's a hectic enough time as it is, the years flying by and the children are growing up too quick, trying to pin everyone down seems like a mission in itself - the online shop might not be done yet let alone the children's next dental appointments booked, chores high as a mountain leaving you with pure exhaustion.
Your looking for that someone to wave a magic wand, make you all look and feel good, show your connection and re energise the love you have for your family all in print.
You want someone that leaves you and your child feeling inspired to be yourself. Leaving you all with big smiles and happy playful memories away from the normal daily mundane routines.
Yorkshire, a place surrounded with the most stunning locations full of vibrant colours and dramatic scenery, perfectly suited to capture children’s natural, playful, adventurous spirit in their favourite environment. Whether it’s in the woods, biking around a glittering lake or simply playing football in the park. When they’re feeling safe and at their happiest that’s when I capture those magical moments.
Make sure to capture your child's glowing inner light whilst not yet shaped or taunted by life itself.
All of this makes a difference.
And making a difference to you is my kind of HAPPY!

with love, Therese x
02 portfolio

03 press